Monday, February 14, 2011

God Can Be Funny

Happy Valentine's Day. This is the first year I actually care about it because it's way cuter when you have someone to buy a present for. That isn't yourself.

Not that it's bad to buy yourself gifts, of course. I think it would be fun to add a personal gift message to items that you buy online like, "Hey, we haven't met, but I've been admiring you from afar and thought you might like a new pair of Tom's shoes. You totally deserve it!" or "I don't know you, but I've seen you around once or twice and thought I'd send this to you in hopes of brightening your day. Have a good one!" Thinking about the reactions of the people shipping it from the warehouse makes it way more fun.
Or not. So, my boyfriend likes to surprise me by leaving cute things in my car for me to find the next day. Today, it was candy and a lovely card. I love that. He's done something like this a couple of times, but oddly enough, it still catches me off-gaurd. But I like it.

I think God was sending me a Valentine's Day gift today, too. Last Friday I missed school (by my own choice; didn't feel like going), but later I felt a little stressed because I realized i had missed a quiz that my English teacher talked about the last class, and I knew I wouldn't be able to make it up. Being the uptight white chick that I am, I silently stressed about it all weekend and let it gnaw at me. "No big deal, no big deal, just a quiz...Oh my gosh.. I missed a quiz. It will probably bring my grade down..." and thus began the hamster wheel of counter productive thinking.

I got to class this morning, and I asked a friend about what all I missed on Friday. She said that the teacher had to cancel last minute, so everyone got to leave shortly after class was supposed to begin. Sooo, no quiz.

I could hear God laughing quietly at me as I thought about this later while walking to my next class. Well, I didn't actually hear God laughing, but I got the impression that he was telling me, "I told you so, silly kid." Kind of like a, "See? You really didn't have to freak out all weekend. I had it all taken care of." He does this a lot, but oddly enough, it still catches me off-gaurd. But I like it.


Unknown said...

God has a sense of humour eh haha

Anonymous said...

How cool! God did the same thing for me on Tuesday...I didn't read a chapter for a possible quiz, but when I got there, we just talked about our papers! today might be a different story. lol!

Simply.Aya said...

Your boyfriend giving you presents by surprise like that is too cute! Surprises are just the best aren't they?[:
&& haha God really does take care of everything, but I think he likes surprising us with just how much he can do and what he does. I know I will always be surprised by it.

Melissa said...

I lve it when God does stuff like that. :)

Also, your guy sounds like a keeper. Romantic guys are hard to find these days. I got me one, too. :P

CharlotteKieidsMilham said...

I'm thinking the stress you had all weekend for the quiz that didn't happen was God's sneaky punishment for you skipping school! God can be a little rascal sometimes! haha

Nitin said...

haha...u r right..............
god has hsi own ways,,,,,,,,,we just need to figure fact u can feel the natural instincts every minute,,,,,,,its only that we need to b more vigilant on finding 10 doors to b opened when HE closes the one we r used to...