I don't do the whole "new years resolutions" thing, but there are some things I wanna explore in the coming months.

3. Dance: I've also realized that I really love to dance. I mean, I've taken lessons when I was younger, and I wasn't that bad at it, but I haven't had time for it. Now, my schedule is freeing up, and I think I wanna check out some classes in town. Lyrical and jazz are my favorite styles, so I'll probably try those first. TJ said he'd learn to ballroom dance with me, but I dunno if he was serious about that :P
Speaking of dancing, my little sister got the Michael Jackson Experience game for the Wii this Christmas. IT FREAKIN' KICKS MY TAIL. But it's awesome. I didn't realize how easy it is to pick up on some of the dance moves. And it is an amazing work out. I couldn't move the next day, of course, but that's because my muscles are currently made of Play-Doh. I caught a video of my mom playing the game, too, but she would lacerate my face with a steak knife if she found out I posted it, so it shall stay hidden.
How was everyone's Christmas/New Years? Got any resolutions/plans?
Later, gators.
I always attempt to do the New Year's resolution thing, but I never do. I hope to be not...so lazy this year lol and do more things that I enjoy, like writing, clarinet, and whatever else I can think of. Not to mention being more active. Dancing would be so neat. I'd love to learn to do ballroom dancing. I'll be your partner! :D
New Year's Resolutions are such awesome things since they can be BIG motivators. Last year I had one to not eat chocolate the whole year, (Crazy? Yep.), and I managed the whole year. It was an amazing will power builder as well.
What I can say is you are really really professional. Love your blog with all my heart.
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